Thursday, August 16, 2012

I'm Back

It is too hot out so I decided to browse through my computer and clean it out when I came across my Blog. Like the portals of my mind, my Blog has grown stagnant and old articles, opinions and stories sit like moss on a damp log. It is time for a new entry.

Life is good. I am relatively healthy albeit a tad pudgy and what is with the white hair?! When I look into the mirror for my morning shave, I am still not convinced that the person staring back at me is actually me.

Photographs are an interesting means of nostalgia. I have looked back on the days when Brian, Jenna and Meghan were my little babies. Today, Brian has four girls, Jenna has a boy and girl and my baby, Meghan, is pregnant with her first child. While my Blog suffered writers malnutrition, Meghan married her high school sweetheart.

We had the good fortune to spend 5 weeks in Europe a few years ago. It was incredible to actually see the sites that until then were only photographs in a travel guide or history book. Rome, Italy, Ireland, France and England. We will be going back in 2014, but this time we will visit Eastern Europe.

I bought a 2005, Harley-Davidson, Road King Classic. Can't really call it a mid-life crisis at my age, but I just had the overwhelming urge to ride again. It felt good. It felt powerful. It felt natural. Been riding up and down PCH and enjoying the ocean view while keeping a wary eye out for people who like to turn left in front of motorcycles.